Anyone know why all over Paris there are small rolled and tied up rugs sitting on the street corner? Normally near bicycles, scooters, or motorcycles?
That's my first day observation.
Oh and: Recommendations anyone?
Monday, May 25, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009

{FAMILY bookstore in LA just put out their first ever record. Which is awesome. So listen to the song below, I believe Spike Jonze directed the video, and go pick up a copy if you live there, or you like BUYING SHIT ONLINE}

ADAMS new (ish: in that he joined them on drumming duties relatively recently) band THE FAMILY BAND are awesome and are playing some SHOWS with the PINK MOUNTAINTOPS next month. You should go and see them both. I will be. Awesome.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
True Love Will Find You In The End.
{Not sure how posting will go over the next couple of weeks... we're boarding a plane tonight. The sunny English shores. It will be raining when we arrive. I'm sure I'll get some stuff up here while we're gone, but if not: the reason is because we're trying to relax. New York is the best place to escape from. Ask ol' Kurt Russell}
P.S Back in time for Pink Mountaintops and Bill Callahan. Deerhunter maybe while we're gone. Lots to listen to. Lots to see.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009

{One of our favourite spots just got a website/webstore uplift. Spend Some Time. This is a good space done right. Oh and I bought The Best Shoes In The World Ever from here a few months back. Ask me about them sometime}
Wild Prayer

{N.G's killing it with a new found image blog: WILD PRAYER. I saved this same image to my desktop about a week ago but can't remember where I found it... although I have a feeling it was something to do with THIS. But maybe not.}
Oh and thanks for the T-Shirt. It arrived yesterday.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

SPIKE FUCKING JONZE got a blog. Follow the insane build up for WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE. Among other radness.
{Photos of Mark Gonzales, Carter Burwell and Miranda July, from said blog, just because}
Monday, May 11, 2009

{All work by Paul Brabenec. Who has an AWESOME new series of boards out right now from Cliche. Get one. Hopefully Paul will be working on a book and maybe some other cool shit for Sleeves Commonwealth Press in the coming months. And yeah the website is still the same old nothing. But that's changing too... I might even drop a sneak preview bombshell in the coming hours/days...}
Who knows.
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