If you live in Philly, or have a way to get there, I would recommend going to this:
June 18th - August 29th, 2009
Fleisher/Ollman is pleased to announce an exhibition of works selected by Will Oldham, the prolific singer-songwriter who most often records and performs under the moniker Bonnie Prince Billy. Frenz, on view June 18 through the end of the summer, will include the work of artists: Shary Boyle, Able Brown, Lori Damiano, Kyle Field, Jill Gallenstein, Sammy Harkham, Alan Licht, Ashley Macomber, Joanne Oldham, Leslie Shows and Spencer Sweeney.
i want to go!
zip car svmmershred sunday (if it is open on sundays)
Sunday = almost certainly working.
BUT: Maybe we could both get off work next Thursday and do a Zipcar/Philly/Artscene/Shred mission then?
I'm in if you are.
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