Radness. Whereabouts do you live? If it's in NY you should shoot me an email and we should shred sometime... we've got a good summer brocam mission getting going...
I live in Vancouver, Canada. I've never been to New York, but intend to visit soon - probably in the fall. Maybe I can meet up for a push. I'll keep you posted. -Walter Also, fucking bummer on getting financially hacked. Jesus christ.
This is such a great album. Pajo is the man.
True on both counts.
I liked your blog a lot too. And thanks for the shout out.
thank you!
No problem. I really like this blog. Ocean Howl is rad too.
Radness. Whereabouts do you live? If it's in NY you should shoot me an email and we should shred sometime... we've got a good summer brocam mission getting going...
I live in Vancouver, Canada. I've never been to New York, but intend to visit soon - probably in the fall. Maybe I can meet up for a push. I'll keep you posted.
Also, fucking bummer on getting financially hacked. Jesus christ.
Rad man. I have friends up that way and always mean to make a trip up to that part of the world...
Anyway, if you ever make it to NY hit me up for sure.
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