So last night Pink Mountaintops played at the Mercury Lounge, and we went along having already seen them the night before at The Bellhouse in Brooklyn. We wanted to give them another chance, as to be honest they weren't that great the first time around - which is a bummer when they're one of your favourite bands- and the sound was terrible. Turns out they have their own sound person with them, and guess what? Last night was even worse. We actually left. Only a few songs in. Major Bummer. It would seems Stephen McBean was pretty bummed about the whole thing too... he definitely didn't look stoked on how the tour was going...
Anyway the saving grace/highlight of the evening was seeing ADAM's band FAMILY BAND play before them. They're really fucking great, and I highly recommend tracking down either their old EP, or the new one they're just about set to record when it comes out. The photos above are from the show.
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